Imagine the closest person to you; your child if you have one. Now imagine that you have decided to give them the greatest gift you have ever given and that they have ever received.
You would probably have to save up money for a while in order to have enough to pay for the gift. You would have to be selfless in desires and focused on this other person. But, regardless of the sacrifice, you would be so excited about giving this wonderful gift. You would filled with joy just by thinking about the gift you were to give and even the sacrifice would be enjoyable because you can just imagine the look on their face when they finally receive that gift.
In fact, you can't wait until the day comes when they receive the gift. Your ready for the sacrifice to end and the fun part to come when they open it up and see the big surprise. Especially if you have already paid for it, you start thinking about how you can maybe give it to them early and think of reasons that it would be ok to unveil this big surprise... you just can't wait to give it them!!

Lets say you really went big and this gift was a brand new car...
So, its something you've saved up for all year long and planned for the big moment and how you are going to reveal it and knock them off their feet with shock and awe.
So the big day comes, their birthday, let's say, and everything is going as planned. You have just given them your card and a big hug and said "Happy Birthday, now I want to show you something else..."
As you take them outside you are shaking with anticipation and nervousness... but of course you are confident that they will love this gift.
As they come into view of the car, you look at their face for that expression you have been yearning to see for an entire year and that you have labored for. And to your surprise and ultimate disappointment, your loved one does not seem to even see the car, let alone get excited. You say "surprise, it's all yours, brand new and paid for!!" - because you're thinking they must not understand what had just happened.
As their expression remains, the lump in your throat grows and your heart hurts.
They casually walk up to the car. "I like this wheel, I think I'll take this one wheel off the car and keep it, but I'm not so sure about the rest. "
You are beginning to get angry, maybe even tearing up, and you say "why don't you want the whole car"? -They respond, "Well maybe I'll use it later, but I'm good with just the one wheel for now".
You think - "ONE WHEEL!... that makes no sense! There is no good in having one wheel, you are missing the point, the car is useless without all 4 wheels and the wheel is useless all alone!" It's not even an attractive part of the car... but why the heck don't you want the whole car anyway. In shock, you hope its all just a joke or a dream, because you did so much, and you love them so much, and you want them to understand your sacrifice, and understand the value of the car, and to appreciate and receive the gift.
It would hurt us if our loved one...
didn't accept this car,
was ashamed of the car around others,
hid the car in the garage and never actually drove it,
never used it to give others a ride & only one seat was ever used..
didn't say thank you.
Just think how much more painful it must be when we don't accept or appreciate God's sacrifice. The ultimate gift he gave us on the cross... His son.
The cross was given by our father in heaven for us. It was painfully given out of love and much sacrifice. We all know the blood that was shed. But what about the emotions behind the gift? God loves us more than we love our wife, child, mother, or anyone else. He loves us and gave Christ for us. It was the ultimate sacrifice... much more than we can understand.
Yet daily we forget about the gift, or we don't appreciate the full value. We choose to take one wheel and reject the rest. We drive it some days and walk others.
Yes, our sin nails Him to the cross daily, but there is nothing we can do to change that... we will always sin.
But, we can daily accept the gift of Jesus, the gift of forgiveness of those sins.
We can approach the cross with a new appreciation in our heart.
We can act like we received a gift much better than a new car... because we have.
No, we can probably never understand the full value of the gift, but at least drive the car!
You can even: tell others about it, invite people to "carpool", rev up the engine at a stoplight, wax and wash your car!
Just realize how amazing it is that God gave us His son when we didn't deserve it... appreciate it for what it is and thank Him for it with a humble and honest heart.
Lord, thank you for your son. I'll probably never fully appreciate Him until I am with Him in Heaven. But thank you for that sacrifice. Today I realize the awesomeness of this gift and can't stop thinking about it. I didn't deserve it at all, but you gave it to me because you love me more than I can understand. Thank you for that grace and passion for me. Instill in me a better understanding of the true meaning of the cross and full extent of Your grace. I know that the more I understand the value of this gift, the more I appreciate it....and the more I appreciate it, the more I worship You, tell others about You, and live with joy.
Thank You, I love you.
A few songs I listened to while writing this:
Take this Life - Paul Wright
Mighty is the Power of the Cross - Chris Tomlin
In Your Presence - Jeremy Camp (also played at my wedding)
What an amazing, but also very practical way of realizing God's gift to us! It is so simple, he simply loves us more than we could ever deserve to be loved.Thank you for taking the time to remind us!
Thank You! How easily we forget....
That's a very realistic way of thinking about it. I can tell why you were late this morning!
Thanks for your comment Mrs. Lane. I love you.
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