Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The Bible talks a lot about suffering. Like many things, the Bible's take on suffering is pretty much opposite of the way our culture thinks of it.

In Romans 5, Paul says

"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

-In Colossians, Paul rejoices in his sufferings. (Colossians 1:24)

-In 2 Timothy, he challenges us to join in on the suffering for the gospel (2 Timothy 1:8)

-1 Peter seems to be almost entirely about suffering!

-1 Peter 4:13 tells us that sharing in Christ's suffering means we can rejoice when His glory is revealed.

-1 Peter 5:9 tells us that we aren't the only ones suffering.

We all know the greatest suffering was on the cross, and we know the significance of that.

I love the way it is portrayed in Hebrews 2:10:

"For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their salvation through sufferings."

Today, another verse, 1 Corinthians 12:26 is especially important to me.

This weekend I received a letter from a missions organization we supported, Voice of the Martyrs. From what I have learned, they are an awesome ministry. At the end of the typed letter there was a handwritten note that said

Walk with them.
1 Cor. 12:26

It really felt personal and almost prophetic. I guess because it was hand written and I happened to be reading in 1 Corinthians, and today I happened to be in Chapter 12. So, when I read the verse today, I enjoyed it, but it didn't really hit me until about 10 minutes afterwards.

"And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it."

My immediate thought was about all the Christians suffering out there and I don't feel like the church suffers with them... I know I don't. But mainly because I don't know how.

So I wrote in my Bible, "I want to suffer more with the church, I want to rejoice more with the church".

I closed my Bible and headed to work.

About 10 minutes later I learned about an accident through the radio. An aquaintanance/friend of mine and another man were in a bad accident while serving as missionaries in India.

The other man, an OSU student named Justin, was killed.

John Miller, a guy Stephanie and I have both met a couple of times, is in critical condition in a hospital in Hyderabad India.

John and both their families are suffering, quite literally for the kingdom of God and I badly want to suffer more with them. While my heart hurts badly, there is nothing more that I know to do but pray for them.

You can read about the accident by clicking here.

What does it all mean? I don't know. But I know we are called to suffer with the church and rejoice with the church. And the church is millions of people around the world and I often forget about all the suffering that I'm missing out on.

I pray my opinion of suffering can become more like the Bible's and more like Christ's.

Please suffer in prayer with me about these guys, and about the thousands of Christians who are persecuted every day for their faith.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

pick a neighbor to love

In so many places and in so many ways, the Bible tells us to "love our neighbor".

In Mark 12:31 Jesus says that the most important commandments are to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength" and the second is to "love your neighbor as yourself".  

You knew that right?....

Thats the problem.

This is one of the many themes in the Bible that is so easily over-looked because we have heard it so many times that we are numb to it. 
We skip over it because we already know it.  We know it in our head but not our heart.

Jesus says it is second only to the commandment to Love God.(pretty important)
Stop and think about it right now. 
Do you truly care more about the good of anyone more than you do your own?

It is a challenging task that Christians are called to and one that we fail miserably with. According to John 13:34-35, the world would know and see the one true God in us if we authentically loved one another.  The world's perspective would be completely shifted if the church could understand and live out the command to love others.  People would see Christianity in a whole new light and would see a reflection of Christ from His church, His body.  

Bluntly speaking, we represent Christ to people every day whether we want to or not.  If you claim to be a Christian and claim to have God living inside you than you are constantly being "Christianity" to others.  We have to start allowing Christ to show through us by surrendering ourselves completely.  That way others will see Christ as Christianity, and not us.

1 John 4:8 says "The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love."  
If we want to be a better representation of the faith we claim, love is the way.

To help make this a real life thing and not a cliche that we just skip over, let's get practical.

Instead of viewing "neighbor" as a generic term for everyone around you... put some faces on that word.

Who can you be Christ to? Pray about it and ask God to reveal names and faces of those who He wants you to love in an excellent way today.

It's the strategy of focus. I may not be able to love everyone the way Christ does. But it would be an amazing accomplishment to just love my wife and a few other people in that way. 

Over the last year I feel like God called me specifically to focus on loving 5 guys the way Christ loves me.  These were friends and acquaintances of mine that the Holy Spirit put on my heart, and He showed it to me all in a short period of time. (a few days) 

Over the year I found that the best way to love them was to pray for them.
The most difficult part was to put time with them as a priority.  But, because I felt God had called me to these guys, I was determined to obey and to make it a top priority.

I have seen dramatic life changes in 3 of the 5 guys.  These 3 have miraculously strengthened their relationship with God over the last year and have completely different lifestyles.

One other guy was already living a very spiritually healthy lifestyle and I feel like has been consistently improving.  I think God used me to plant seeds into him that will produce a ton of fruit that will last a long time.

#5 has been less miraculous.  I have seen a lot of up and down with him.  At the same time, I will admit that my prayer life for him and dedication to our relationship has also been unsteady.  I am now praying that God can re-energize me about that commitment and calling to this friend and that I can make it a priority to pray for him and spend time with him.  

The amazing work I've seen in the other 4 tell me that God will undoubtably be faithful to the 5th.

So, pray and ask God if there are any specific people that He wants you to focus on...

If you have any stories of ways you have seen love transform others, let me know.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

not because of who I was

I think it's easy for Christians to become proud.  We have this attitude sometimes that we are better either because we are Christian, or we are Christian because we are better...

I know that I fall into the second category at times.  As if God chose me because I deserved it, or I chose to believe because I was wise.

It's sad, because this type of thought repels the world away from us.  

The realization that we do not deserve salvation or the peace, joy, and love that God gives us could provide a huge breakthrough for many Christians.  It is a humbling thought that simply brings us to worship.  Thank God that we know and understand the truth of His son's sacrifice and the freedom that it gives.

But, instead of becoming proud with that knowledge we must be inspired and driven by it.   

God did choose us for a reason, not because of who we were, but because of who we could be with Him. 

Whatever purpose it was that I was chosen for, I desire to fulfill.  And that drives me in everything I do.  As long as I remain dependent on Him, I am confident I will succeed at this purpose I've been called to.  

This understanding brings fulfillment, joy, strength, love for others, and a new perspective on everything. I am so blessed to have all of that.... but so many people around me are searching for these very things.  
Because I know this, it is my responsibility to share it and reflect Him.



Me and my wife Stephanie
It took me 5 minutes to make this photo in FlauntR.
I hate to be a website evangelist, but you have to check the program out.
It integrates amazingly with blogs, facebook, email, etc.  It has a lot of power to edit photos a lot like Photoshop, but it is all done online.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stephen Curtis Chapman on Good Morning America

In case you missed it: 
This morning, Stephen Curtis Chapman was  on Good Morning America talking about the loss of their little girl...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

one wheel

Imagine the closest person to you; your child if you have one.  Now imagine that you have decided to give them the greatest gift you have ever given and that they have ever received. 

You would probably have to save up money for a while in order to have enough to pay for the gift. You would have to be selfless in desires and focused on this other person.  But, regardless of the sacrifice, you would be so excited about giving this wonderful gift.  You would filled with joy just by thinking about the gift you were to give and even the sacrifice would be enjoyable because you can just imagine the look on their face when they finally receive that gift.  

In fact, you can't wait until the day comes when they receive the gift.  Your ready for the sacrifice to end and the fun part to come when they open it up and see the big surprise. Especially if you have already paid for it, you start thinking about how you can maybe give it to them early and think of reasons that it would be ok to unveil this big surprise... you just can't wait to give it them!!

Lets say you really went big and this gift was a brand new car...
So, its something you've saved up for all year long and planned for the big moment and how you are going to reveal it and knock them off their feet with shock and awe.

So the big day comes, their birthday, let's say, and everything is going as planned. You have just given them your card and a big hug and said "Happy Birthday, now I want to show you something else..." 
As you take them outside you are shaking with anticipation and nervousness... but of course you are confident that they will love this gift.
As they come into view of the car, you look at their face for that expression you have been yearning to see for an entire year and that you have labored for.  And to your surprise and ultimate disappointment, your loved one does not seem to even see the car, let alone get excited.  You say "surprise, it's all yours, brand new and paid for!!" - because you're thinking they must not understand what had just happened.  

As their expression remains, the lump in your throat grows and your heart hurts.

They casually walk up to the car. "I like this wheel, I think I'll take this one wheel off the car and keep it, but I'm not so sure about the rest. "

You are beginning to get angry, maybe even tearing up, and you say "why don't you want the whole car"?  -They respond, "Well maybe I'll use it later, but I'm good with just the one wheel for now".

You think - "ONE WHEEL!... that makes no sense! There is no good in having one wheel, you are missing the point, the car is useless without all 4 wheels and the wheel is useless all alone!" It's not even an attractive part of the car... but why the heck don't you want the whole car anyway. In shock, you hope its all just a joke or a dream, because you did so much, and you love them so much, and you want them to understand your sacrifice, and understand the value of the car, and to appreciate and receive the gift.

It would hurt us if our loved one...
didn't accept this car,
was ashamed of the car around others,
hid the car in the garage and never actually drove it,
never used it to give others a ride & only one seat was ever used..
didn't say thank you.

Just think how much more painful it must be when we don't accept or appreciate God's sacrifice.  The ultimate gift he gave us on the cross... His son.

The cross was given by our father in heaven for us.  It was painfully given out of love and much sacrifice. We all know the blood that was shed.  But what about the emotions behind the gift? God loves us more than we love our wife, child, mother, or anyone else.  He loves us and gave Christ for us.  It was the ultimate sacrifice... much more than we can understand.

Yet daily we forget about the gift, or we don't appreciate the full value.  We choose to take one wheel and reject the rest.  We drive it some days and walk others. 

Yes, our sin nails Him to the cross daily, but there is nothing we can do to change that... we will always sin.  
But, we can daily accept the gift of Jesus, the gift of forgiveness of those sins.  
We can approach the cross with a new appreciation in our heart. 
We can act like we received a gift much better than a new car... because we have.

No, we can probably never understand the full value of the gift, but at least drive the car!

You can even: tell others about it, invite people to "carpool", rev up the engine at a stoplight, wax and wash your car!

Just realize how amazing it is that God gave us His son when we didn't deserve it... appreciate it for what it is and thank Him for it with a humble and honest heart

Lord, thank you for your son.  I'll probably never fully appreciate Him until I am with Him in Heaven.  But thank you for that sacrifice.  Today I realize the awesomeness of this gift and can't stop thinking about it.  I didn't deserve it at all, but you gave it to me because you love me more than I can understand.  Thank you for that grace and passion for me.  Instill in me a better understanding of the true meaning of the cross and full extent of Your grace.  I know that the more I understand the value of this gift, the more I appreciate it....and the more I appreciate it, the more I worship You, tell others about You, and live with joy.
Thank You,  I love you.

A few songs I listened to while writing this:
Take this Life - Paul Wright
Mighty is the Power of the Cross - Chris Tomlin
In Your Presence - Jeremy Camp (also played at my wedding)

Friday, August 1, 2008

intimacy with your father

I am blessed almost every day to be able to spend intimate time with my heavenly father.  It is easily the most important moment of every day.  I am changed by it every time.  I am transformed in so many ways.  I am rewarded for spending precious time with God.  Sometimes, I am almost in tears at the closeness I feel with my father.  The peace and joy that comes from it, it is the fulfillment of so many promises in the Bible.

Yet, for some reason I don't do it every day, and sometimes I go several days without spending intimate time with God.
Why?  Generally, when we are rewarded for something so powerfully, we are drawn to doing it more and more.  We drink coffee because we are rewarded with open eyes, we fix our hair/put make-up on because we are rewarded with more confidence that day (and the lack of punishment from society).

So... why do we reject such a rewarding experience in spending time with our father.  Why do we not do this 2 or 4 times a day?  How can we survive without it?

For some, it is because they have never experienced this rewarding moment. Either they do not know that the God of the universe is so easily accessible or can't believe that He is.  And for others, like myself, some days we are just so wrapped up in a world that constantly tells us that we can't do that.
The world says:

We can't because we don't have time...
We can't because it's hard...
We can't because it's crazy...
We can't because we may become uncomfortable...

It's time for me.  I don't have an hour to spend being "unproductive"!  At least that is what the world and the enemy tell me every hour of every day...
I so easily forget that spending time with God is by far the MOST productive thing I ever do.

I am reminded every time that in God's presence is where I belong and where life is best.  

Yet, I am reminded by the world around me many more times about how busy I am and about how many other things there are I could be doing.
I could be working, relaxing, sleeping, watching that show I wanted to watch, playing that game, or whatever else we enjoy doing.  There is nothing wrong with these things, I just am never moved by them the way that God moves me every time I give Him my time.

If you have never had an experience with God like this or are just struggling to make time for it or just don't know exactly how... here are some steps that help me.

Practical Steps:

1. STOP - Psalm 46:10 says "Be still, and know that I am God".  You have to force yourself to stop everything, just stop for a minute and let your mind rest, and trust that you are not going to regret spending this time with God.  Don't say that you will wait until there is a better time... just stop whatever you are doing and make time... I have never regretted that or fell behind in life because I gave time to God.

2. Pray - Start out by just being honest with God.  Even if its your first time to pray in a long time or ever.  He knows you so well, just tell Him the truth about whatever.  "God, I hear that time with you is rewarding, so I'm gonna give it a try.."  Maybe thank Him for something you love: your grandpa, your dog, sunsets, the beach, or even the internet.  
And then just simply ask Him to draw near to you... say: "I want to spend time with you, so please come join me and draw near to me Lord"
And if you want, continue to pray about whatever is on your heart or going on in your life.
Remember to be honest - you don't have to impress God, and you can't even if you try... He made you the way you are and He's proud of it, so you should be too.

3. Read the Bible - If you stop and think about it, its pretty crazy that we have the Word of God so readily accessible.  But what is even more crazy is that we NEVER read it!!!  If you truly believe it is the word of God (the all powerful and all knowing God) how in the world could you resist reading it all the time... talk about a page turner...  
Well, unfortunately there are all sorts of reasons we don't enjoy it sometimes.  My advice about reading the Bible is to take it slow and get help in understanding it.  
For help understanding read two versions: NIV and The Message for example... you can find it all online!  www.biblegateway.com 
OR use a study bible.
But most importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to give you understanding.  
How do you do that?....take it slow....

In elementary school I was competitive about how fast I could read.  And all through school we are trained to read quickly and to skim through pages and chapters of text books and novels alike.  We are forced to hurry by the pace of life. I think often we read the Bible like that... just slow down and read one verse at a time.  Take each word at the value it has- it's gold to our spirit!

If you read and understand only 2 verses a day, it is worth more than reading the whole Bible without any recall or understanding.

4. Do it now.. 

Spending time with God is my favorite thing to do.. but, unfortunately I often forget how great it is.  If you've forgotten or you never knew... try it now.  
You won't regret it.

Good songs I listened to while writing this:

"Yearn" - Shane and Shane -AWESOME website!

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