Friday, December 18, 2009

Intro to Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem

(This is the first of a large series where I will copy down the key points of each chapter as I read through Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology. I will be copying many lines word-for-word and also shortening and summarizing some points in my own words. I hope that this can be useful for others as a quick reference but it is not meant to in any way substitute the personal study and investigation of the Bible and these important topics.)

Chapter 1. Intro to Systematic Theology

Definition of Systematic Theology.
Systematic theology is any study that answers the question "What does the whole Bible teach us today?" about any given topic.

The emphasis is different than that of historical theology, philosophical theology, or apologetics.
It also differs from Old Testament theology, New Testament theology, and biblical theology as these three disciplines organize their topics historically and in the order the topics are presented in the Bible. Although, the latter of these would likely have a lot of overlap with ST as they both look at the whole Bible.

Systematic Theology attempts to summarize the teaching of Scripture in a brief, understandable, and very carefully formulated statement.

Application to Life.
Based on this definition of ST, it is implied that application to life is a necessary part of the proper pursuit of systematic theology. Thus a doctrine under consideration is seen in terms of its practical value for living the Christian life.
Personal spiritual growth should be experienced.

This book is systematic or "carefully organized by topics".
It will treat topics in with much attention to every detail and hopefully accuracy.

What are Doctrines?
For our purposes, A doctrine is what the Bible teaches us today about some particular topic.
A doctrine is simply the result of doing systematic theology with regard to one particular topic.
Can be very broad or vary narrow.

This book is divided into seven major sections:
1. The Doctrine of the Word of God
2. The Doctrine of God
3. The Doctrine of Man
4. The Doctrine of Christ and the Holy Spirit
5. The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption
6. The Doctrine of the Church
7. The Doctrine of the Future

These doctrines meet at least 1 of these criteria:
Heavily emphasized in Scripture
Significant throughout the history of the church and all Christians
Have become important for Christians in the present situation

What is the difference between Sys. Theology and Christian Ethics?
The emphasis of ST is on what God wants us to believe and to know; while the emphasis in Christian ethics is on what God wants us to do and what attitudes he wants us to have.

Initial Assumptions of This Book
1) that the Bible is true and that it is, in fact, our only absolute standard of truth.
2) that the God who is spoken of in the Bible exists, and that he is who the Bible says he is; the Creator of heaven and earth and all things in them.

Why should Christians study Study Theology?
To teach others.
Jesus commands us to teach believers to observe all that he commanded. (Matthew 28:19-20)
The task of fulfilling the Great Commission includes not only evangelism but also teaching.

To benefit our lives.
Overcome wrong ides. Be confronted with the total weight of the teaching of Scripture on any particular subject.
Make better and more informed decisions on new topics of importance as they arise.
Will help us grow as Christians.
The more we know about God, about his Word, about his relationship to the world and mankind, the better we will trust him, the more fully we will praise him, and the more readily we will obey him.

The church is often times theologically immature which can cause disorderly and random theology and have bad effects on the church. See Ephesians 4:14.

How Should Christians Study Systematic Theology?
1)With Prayer
2)With Humility
3)With Reason
4)With Help from Others
5)by Collecting and Understanding All the Relevant Passages of Scripture on Any Topic
6)With Rejoicing and Praise

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Most Inappropriate & Important Christmas Card Ever

I am seriously considering putting this on our 2009 Studio DaySpring Christmas card to all of my friends and family.

I would love it if you told me your thoughts. Is this a good idea or the worst ever?
Would it just be an ineffective and offensive message?

To all my friends and family,

Yep, this is long. Not only is it long, but this will most likely be the most offensive, inappropriate, rude, but honest Christmas Card you ever get. And, just to be clear, this is going to everyone on our list- every good friend and family member, with no one intentionally left out.
I would seriously rather just send a nice DaySpring Christmas card with a simple scripture reference, a nativity scene, and a short note from Steph and I (next year, I promise).
I am not normally rude or offensive and I would much rather be proper and non-confrontational. But on the other hand, I am confident that I was not created for those reasons but instead for the purpose of bringing God glory and presenting His truths to others. And while that isn't always the most fun thing to do, and definitely doesn't make me the coolest kid on the block, it has effects that last eternally and it's a purpose worth living for.

This letter is absolutely NOT about any bad habits you have (I have them too!), the church you may or may not go to (we don't currently have a home church), or how much money you do or don't give to others. It's not about religion. Not tradition. Not sin. Not church.
It's just about Jesus.
And while you've heard it thousands of times, please read these next words carefully for me.

The same God that made the whole universe, from the complicated workings of our world to the simple smiles on kids faces, loves you. A lot. So much that he would not act like a God (at least not the way we expect God to act) but instead He gave us Jesus, who humbled Himself enough to become a baby and live on earth. (Merry Christmas!) But that's just the beginning, because His death and resurrection (Happy early Easter!) is what really matters. His suffering and death was punishment that we deserve for our sins. But, for some crazy reason, God loves us enough to endure our death from sin so that we don't have to. And that is the best news you'll ever hear.

So, if my prayers are answered and God has given you ears to hear that message differently than you have in the past, you'll want to know what to do about it.

Well, there's good news and bad news about that. The good news is that you don't have to stop those things you love but know are sinful. You don't have to start going to church. You don't even have to live differently. All you have to do is believe it is true, in your heart and mind, and talk to God a little. Just tell Him you get it now, It's not just a church story, but it's the only story that matters in this world and you believe that its true. Sincerely tell Him you love Him and ask Him to come and change your heart. Then thank Him for Jesus.
It's all in God's hands after that. And if He wants to deal with your lifestyle, He will do it in His own way. But it's not his greatest concern. His greatest concern is for your salvation and His greatest desire is just that you'll know Him and have a relationship with His son Jesus.

And that's where the bad news comes in. A person who has a relationship with Christ does not have it any easier. Don't listen to those pastors and preachers who say that once your a Christian, life will be easy and bountiful. Jesus Himself lived a life full of poverty, difficult relationships, pain, and sacrifice. As did His disciples. Why would it be any different today?
But it's not all bad. A life serving Christ is the most rewarding and significant life you can live. You'll have peace and joy because you have an eternal perspective on life and a personal relationship with Jesus.

My intention is not to make you feel guilty. I myself am sinful and did absolutely nothing to deserve my salvation and relationship with Christ. I deserve nothing I've gotten, which only increases my gratitude for it all.

My intention for writing is this: to present the truth of Jesus that I have experienced so that God can pull you to Himself.

No need to call me up or send me an email, that would be pretty awkward for both of us. But, there are thousands of great resources and people that I am sure you can find if you look. My favorites are & And of course I would be happy to talk to you if you felt comfortable with that and had questions or comments for me.

I love you and hope you can forgive me for my inappropriate and offensive Christmas card.

Merry Christmas!


Friday, November 6, 2009

His name is Love

When an athlete wants to be the best, he devotes himself to his sport with focus, labor, and perseverence. All for a hope of the glory that comes with victory.

My uncle Cameron tells a great story about when he was asked to pitch in a fast-pitch softball game. He had little experience pitching and embarrassed himself on the mound that night. But that game was a turning point for him, as it was the motivation behind hours and hours of practice. He likes to say that he just went out to a ball field with a glove and a bunch of balls and just threw them up against a fence over and over and over again, until he could pitch.
Well, apparently it worked. He improved to become one of the best softball pitchers in the country and he was a "hired gun" for several professional teams around the nation.

What do you want bad enough that you will just drop everything to make it happen?

For Cameron, he wanted to be good next time he was asked to pitch and it meant he had to just go pitch until he was good. He's repeated the same technique in business as he is now a very successful business leader.

For you it could be professional, educational, physical, or relational goals. Hopefully your life cycles through different seasons as you set yourself toward something, go achieve that thing, and then move your focus to the next goal.

For me, it is currently on my new marriage relationship with my beautiful wife Stephanie.

When an athlete wants to be the best, he devotes himself to his sport with focus, labor, and perseverence.

I think this same approach is taken in marriages across America. This is a good thing. But I'm learning, that it is not enough.

When I wanted to get A's in school, I worked hard until I got them- and I always got them.
When I wanted to be able to strike a soccer ball harder than anyone I knew, like my uncle, I just kicked a ball more than anyone else until I was the best at it.
When I wanted to love Stephanie better, things got complicated...

The world teaches us how to be good at the things of this world.
But love is not of this world.

Love requires all of the things this world just doesn't understand.
Love seems to make sense while actually defying all logic.
Love is from heaven and the ways of heaven are almost always the OPPOSITE of the ways of the world.

Like worldly things, marriage needs focus and dedication. But it needs more. It needs true Love.
And no, I'm not talking about the kind you see in the chick flicks. I mean Love, Jesus Christ, because His name is Love.

Without Love a marriage will fail.

You need marriage or relationship advice?- Love himself is available for counseling. His Holy Spirit can actually live IN YOU. And its amazing how good Love is at making marriages AMAZING, like no one in this world could ever do.

Whether you are an experienced spouse or still trying to figure it out, regardless of if your marriage is struggling or is smooth and easy.... going to the Lord for wisdom and just asking Him to help you be a better spouse is a very smart thing to do.
Humble yourself, consider the importance of this relationship, admit you could do better, and then ask the inventor of love, the source of love, and the one who's name is Love, to teach you to love better.

So does marriage require hard work? Yes.
But it also requires Love - the kind that would suffer and die on a cross for us.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Bride (part 2)

A beautiful bride would be so attractive to everyone that Christ's name would be famous and praised around this world.

Jesus attracted people with messed up lives to Him.

The Church doesn't... I don't.


I believe the actions of the "Church" have given Christ's name the reputation of being judgemental, legalistic, prideful, and cliquish- basically religious. Everything Christ wasn't.

I can't blame the world for this sad perception of a Jesus that they have never met. I can blame the "Christians" who continue to misrepresent Him and the "Christian" leaders who allow it.

It is time for the Bride of Jesus to start to represent what He stood for and to begin to peel away the layers of dirt that we have covered Him in.
It is pointless for me to complain about history and not try to change the future.

The world (and many churches) raise us to believe some people are better than others and some people are like us and some aren't.
People who claim they are Christian must shake these prejudices. How? Spend more time in the presence of Christ than in the presence of earthly influences.
And then we must actively seek ways to love people who are filthy and show them that Christ does not reject them because of their past sin... and neither do we.

The global Church should flock to opportunities to love the unloved. Race to clothe the poor. Overwhelm the hungry with food.

It is going to take a lot of time and generations to clean off the stigma. But we can. Imagine a Church that is known for love- the way the Bible says it should be. The non-Christians would take notice. Other religions would take notice. The media would tell the story. And the governments would thank us.

This is the role that the Church is meant to have. Let's get started.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Bride (part 1)

The bride of Christ, the church, and all that is right and wrong about her, is constantly on my heart.  (my bride pictured here --> )

I've been thinking about posting my thoughts on this topic for a long time, but it is overwhelming to even consider writing about it, because the conversation is just so huge.

So... I've decided to break it up and just write smaller posts as things hit me hard.  It may be unorganized, random, and such, but it's better than nothing... right?

Today's thought is one that is more disturbing to me than most.  It really breaks my heart.
And that is that the church today, at least a lot of it, is causing more damage than glory to the name of Christ.

Our attempts to live and minister without the power of the Holy Spirit, through our own wisdom, by our own strength,  and blatantly fleshy - represents Christ falsely and blemishes His name.  
We represent the cross to the world and yet we fail to walk in the freedom it gave us and we fail to receive the power and grace that comes from the Holy Spirit.  We misrepresent Christ and our God because we think we can handle it on our own and we neglect to surrender to Him.

Humans sin and mess up, and the church is made up of humans. So, Christians are going to mess up, and that is ok.  That is life. However, it is one thing to be a body of believers who, in humility, repent passionately and honestly fall on our faces.  
Instead, so often when we act up, we make excuses, argue our case, or hide from our mistakes.  

These things hurt so bad because they completely disregard the cross. The gift Christ gave for our sins is rejected when we act like we don't need it.

Instead the bride must be wholly dependant on her Lord.  

What if the Christian church was known for it's humility and reliance on God rather than its self-righteousness?

What if people could meet an average "Christian" and truly get a picture of Christ?

That would be a beautiful bride.

Monday, April 20, 2009

focus: Him & her

Lately, it seems the Lord is teaching me about focus.
Primarily through my best tutor, the Holy Spirit, but also from several other sources.

When I say "focus", I don't mean priority.

I'm learning a new definition for focus as I've found myself simplifying my life lately. I am beginning to understand that a simple and single-minded approach to life is the only way I can live the life God has called me to. This involves a hyper-focused squint on the few things that are worth giving your life to.  

At this point in my life that comes down to 

1. Jesus 

2. my wife Stephanie

It's really hard for me not to put 3, 4, or 5 items on this list.  
At the same time, I realize that even 2 is stretching it.  

I want to put "Church planting" on the list as I am feeling God's leading in that direction.  I want to put "Business as Missions" on that list as I know God has called me to do something in the realm of business for His glory. I want to put my family and my job on the list, but I have come to realize that I am unable to truly focus on all of that right now. This does not mean I neglect these things, but nothing gets my ALL but Jesus and Stephanie.

I think God will mature me to a place where I can focus on a third item and maybe even more down the road.  When I get really good at the first 2, I think He will trust me with more.  When I become so dedicated to Him and her(Steph), that nothing else matters and my time, resources, and thoughts are almost solely surrendered to these 2, then maybe He will show me the 3rd.

I find when I am focused solely on driving, I never swerve or hit the "rumble pack" on the edge of the lane that is meant to wake up sleepers.  But, as soon as I start to focus on something else, even if it is just mentally, my driving suffers and I am buzZzZzed by the rumbler. 

I need single minded focus.  

Even good things are distractions if they cause us to start drifting away from Jesus, our relationship with Him, or His purpose for us.

I have always considered myself a "visionary" (whatever that means).
And I know that visions are pretty pointless if they remain unfulfilled.  This has always been my challenge- taking my ideas, dreams, and visions, and doing something with them.

I think focus is one of the most important steps to fulfilling vision.  This may seem obvious, but in the world we live, it is very easy to get distracted. So a sole focus on a vision, I believe, is the missing key for me to see completion in the things God has for me.

Focus results in the necessary ingrediants for vision:

1. zero toleration for distraction

2. an unshakeable conviction of purpose

3. an unwavering dedication to completion

There are very few things in each individuals life that should garner true single-minded focus.

Right now my vision is to be the best husband in the world and to grow in my relationship with Christ to an intimate Father/son mentorship with my ever-present Lord.

Single minded focus.

I'm excited about my #3 and I can't wait until I am there.  I can see God shaping me for it every day and preparing me for the task.  But right now, I am a runner on the starting block waiting for the gun to shoot.  I need to keep my focus on my foundation, God, and poise myself for the race that is to begin very shortly.  I can definitly feel the anticipation of the gunfire, but I know that if I don't focus on my current posture I'll just fall on my face.

I must have single minded focus.

Monday, March 30, 2009

my mom is getting married Saturday...

My Mom is getting married next Saturday...
I took the photo above and below a few weeks ago of her and her fiance Ed.  

While the relationship is still in the clouds and very new to both... I am very excited about what God is planning for these two.

Yesterday, I had the chance to have a good conversation with Edward (Steph and I like to call him Edward *Twilight*). 
I really enjoyed our discussion as we moved from the nation of Israel & Judaism, on to Catholicism, and then to the current political and economic situation America is in and how it is an awesome opportunity for the church to shine and stand firm (more on that some day soon).  I can see Ed and I having many more deep talks for years to come.

Ed is going to be an amazing husband for my mom because he will act as a spiritual leader for her as every husband should. He loves Jesus, the word of God, and the Church. I believe Ed truly walks in the power of the Holy Spirit and in relationship with God. A fun, active, passionate, and generous guy.
So.... I guess he's good enough for my mom...

I'm so priveledged to be giving her away or "handing her off" as I like to call it.

She is a very beautiful woman and I can't wait to see her on Saturday in her blue dress.  She is the best mom in the world and has been an amazing example for me my entire life.  She has gone through enough pain and suffering in her life with the loss of 2 daughters, my dad, and many many other trials that I think she understands the bible when it talks about trials more than I hope I ever will.  She only deserves the best.  I pray that this relationship lasts the rest of their lives and that they get to see the world together, grow together in their love and relationship with God, and serve Him together in many different ways throughout the years.

Mom and Edward have asked me to read Ps. 103: 1-5 and Ps.16:11 during the wedding ceremony. I read these scriptures this morning and they are very telling of both my mom and Ed's attitude toward this occasion. They are both so thankful to God for this blessing and are praising him with everything that is within them... and so am I.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Challenging Sermons Online

I wanted to recommend my favorite preacher and teacher, Mark Driscoll.

Enjoy his sermons online at his church website   :

He is a little controversial because he loves Jesus and people enough to be blunt and real.  I like that.

I never have a problem paying attention and I listen to a sermon every chance I get because they are so engaging and challenging.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Characteristics of a Pioneer

Last night at Perspectives, the National Director, David Flynn, taught about William Carey with a theatrical performance and followed up with stories and insights into other pioneers in missions history.

My favorite part of the night was when Mr. Flynn listed characteristics of pioneers. Here they are.

  • are truly passionate for God
  • are available
  • study the whole picture
  • see needs/ resources through God's eyes
  • are often considered unlikely to be significant
  • pursue a vision beyond their abilities 
  • depend on prayer
  • couple their prayer with action
  • publish the challenge of their vision
  • motivate others towards obedience-mobilization
  • challenge common assumptions
  • motivation is purely God's glory

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

reach website - now live!

Pretty bare at this point.  But it's a start.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

reach- *Short Post*

I have the hardest time writing a short post on blunt.
That is my only goal today.

"reach" is a new ministry in Northwest Arkansas that my wife Stephanie and I have started.

God has placed a vision in our hearts for a simple ministry that loves people in practical ways and gives Christians opportunities to serve others.

reach is an attempt to… 

… obey God’s call,

… demonstrate Christ’s love,

… and open hearts to the gospel. 

Our first project is on March 14 and we will be hanging out with people at a park in Fayetteville.
Hopefully we can play some soccer, eat some hot dogs, do some crafts, and just simply love people. 

We hope God does something with this and think He will!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Top 5 Common Christian Misconceptions I See

5) Christians should always avoid being offensive.

Jesus was offensive at times.  I'm sure the rich man was offended when Jesus told him to sell off all of his possessions.  I bet the pharisees were often offended by Christ's life and the truths that He spoke that challenged their way of life.

Too many times, we try to avoid being offensive and end up allowing our loved ones and brothers and sisters in Christ to live in sin and hurt because we are too afraid of offending them.  Is ok to be offensive if we are speaking in love and in truth.

This concept is why my blog is named "blunt".

Ephesians 4:14-15
"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead,
speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ." (NIV)

Proverbs 27:6
"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." (NIV)

4) What I do is important.

Ok, what you do is important, but not the most important thing.  God cares about the heart.
He knows about and forgives us for all of our sins.  If we focus on having a heart like Christ's then we will become more like Him and our actions will resemble His.  
So many Christians spend their life trying to perform at a certain level and missing the whole point.  Jesus accepts and loves us the way we are and sees and cares about our heart alone.
The heart is the place to start and the do will surely follow. (thats catchy)

3) Ministy is only for some people.

Why were you made?  Surely there is a reason.  God created each of us for His purposes and to bring glory to His name in our world.   He love you and has a purpose in mind and a plan to fulfill it if you will just yield and surrender control.

When I say ministry I don't just mean in a church.  God can use you wherever you are and do great things.  A good place to start identifying God's plan for you is "What are you passionate about?" and "What are you great at?".  Remember, He made you that way for a reason.

The whole Bible is about God bringing glory to Himself through people. The Israelites were blessed so that they could be a blessing. (See Genesis 12:1-3)
Abraham's physical descendants, the Israelites, didn't do a great job at passing their blessing on to "every nation". They didn't like Gentiles much and pretty much kept all of God's blessing to themselves. But every since the new testament, Jesus, and the first church in Acts, it has been the job of the spiritual descendants of Abraham to pass the blessing to all nations.  Thats us!  Unfortunately, most of the church today is doing about as good a job as Israel did.

"The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" -- Hudson Taylor

2) The Holy Spirit is spooky.

The Bible talks a lot about the Holy Spirit and He is just as important as the other 2 parts of the Trinity.  And practically, He is even more important, because He is our connection with God.  He is with us, in us, upon us, and fills us.  
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God(Matt 3:16), gentle like a dove(Acts 2:2-4), refreshing like water (John 7:38, 39), soothing like oil (1 Samuel 16:13, Acts 10:38), mighty like fire (Luke 3:16), our comforter (John 14:16,17), our Counselor (John 14:26), He imparts hope (Romans 15:13), He directs us in prayer (Romans 8:26), He teaches us (John 14:26), He empowers us for service (Acts 1:8), He frees us from the Power of Sin (Romans 8:2), He reveals what God has for us (1 Cor. 2:9), He gives us gifts (1 Cor. 12-14), He brings conviction (not condemnation) (John 16:7-8), He sancitfies us (Romans 15:15-16), and He makes us fruitful (Galatians 5:22-23).

Where would we be without the Holy Spirit?

Don't be afraid to pray for His guidance and live life with Him in everything you do.
We are so blessed to have God in us, and we can't ever take that for granted.

Oh, and He is not spooky.  He is friendly and loving like nothing else in this world.
Do not let what you see in this crazy world turn you off from the Holy Spirit, just read what the truth of the Bible has to say about Him.

1)Life is easier as a Christian.

This is number one because it is very common and very wrong. 
If you don't believe me, just spend a little time in the New Testament. Or click here to read my post about suffering.  And check out 

    1 Peter 4:12-13 
    Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. (NIV)
Through Christ we do have Peace and Joy!  That is huge.
Christ does love us and does want us to be happy and blessed.
But, we were not created for the purpose of our happiness but for His glory.

1 Corinthians 10:31
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

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