The more we get to know God, the more we recognize him.
This may sound like an obvious statement, but it continues to blow my mind, every. single. day.
As I invest more of myself into my relationship with Jesus, I am beginning to see God and his unbelievable story in everything and everywhere.
Now, I'm still much like a child learning to ride his bike for the first time. I've still got training wheels on and I'm just so excited to see that when I pedal, the bike moves; and I'm not falling down... yet. I've got many miles ahead of me and hopefully I'll even cruise into the sunset on a Harley, but who knows- I might still be on training wheels.
So if you're still with me after that analogy, my point is that this post will not be completed today, or ever, because my understanding of God's hand on our world is still so small. While it increases every day, not until I am with him, will I really get it.
You know in the movies when a person can't get someone off of their mind? They see this person's face in the reflection of their sink, in the mirror, and on every body they walk by on the street. It's like this person is everywhere and they aren't going to be able to avoid them, no matter what they do.
This is kinda how Jesus has been for me lately, except in a less freaky way.
I can't hear a story, watch a movie, walk outside, talk to a friend, or even work without seeing Jesus in it all. Its quite ridiculous and incredible at the same time.
You might say to me, "He's obviously trying to get your attention and show you something".
And I would reply, "I think it's that he finally does have my attention, and that he's showing me everything... and how it's all about him."
Yes, he is trying to tell me something, he's ALWAYS telling me something. It's like a floodgate has been opened up and I'm drowning in him.
He says things like "You see those birds, I know them well, and 'you are more valuable than many sparrows,' and you see the way they are going about their lives joyfully playing as they gather food? You should do the same; live purposefully and joyfully always and in the very same moment, because they can and should coexist". And joy fills me and I praise him.
He'll say "You see that billboard, I know how many hairs are on that man's head".
And I'll praise him.
"You don't like the way that reality tv show ended, you don't think that person deserved to win?Well did you deserve salvation?" And I praise him because I don't, but he gave it anyway.
He says to me while I'm working "the key to success in that project is authentic relationships, just like an authentic relationship with me is the key to your spiritual life, and an authentic relationship with people is the key to evangelism and discipleship. Oh and by the way, do those 2 things well, Love me and Love others, and you'll be obeying my commands".
And I'm like "Woah, that's heavy and that's huge. I'm just writing an email here!!"
And he whispers in my ear... "Well, it's all about me. Even your emails."
And I praise him.
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