Thursday, April 29, 2010

God is crazy

I just wrote the following as an email to someone and decided I might as well post it here since I never update my blog anymore...

God is just crazy.
I mean, he loves me and you, so thats something.

Plus, its just crazy the way he works things out so perfectly.
Like the fact that I (a person who loves Business as Missions and reads about church leadership, movements, etc in my free time) am now working on connecting DaySpring (a Missional Business) and churches (churches!) in ways that are mutually beneficial with the goal of expanding God's Kingdom. I mean seriously, is he kidding. 

Its just more clear to me every day that God makes us a certain way to fulfill a certain purpose for him. And also that he puts certain things in our lives (people, events, hardships) that help us fulfill that purpose.

All we have to do is stop trying to fulfill our own plans and surrender to his! (much easier said than done. :) )

My prayer "...not as I will, but as you will..." (Matthew 26:39 - Gethsemane)
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