Lately, it seems the Lord is teaching me about focus.
Primarily through my best tutor, the Holy Spirit, but also from several other sources.
When I say "focus", I don't mean priority.
I'm learning a new definition for focus as I've found myself simplifying my life lately. I am beginning to understand that a simple and single-minded approach to life is the only way I can live the life God has called me to. This involves a hyper-focused squint on the few things that are worth giving your life to.
At this point in my life that comes down to
1. Jesus
2. my wife Stephanie
It's really hard for me not to put 3, 4, or 5 items on this list.
At the same time, I realize that even 2 is stretching it.
I want to put "Church planting" on the list as I am feeling God's leading in that direction. I want to put "Business as Missions" on that list as I know God has called me to do something in the realm of business for His glory. I want to put my family and my job on the list, but I have come to realize that I am unable to truly focus on all of that right now. This does not mean I neglect these things, but nothing gets my ALL but Jesus and Stephanie.
I think God will mature me to a place where I can focus on a third item and maybe even more down the road. When I get really good at the first 2, I think He will trust me with more. When I become so dedicated to Him and her(Steph), that nothing else matters and my time, resources, and thoughts are almost solely surrendered to these 2, then maybe He will show me the 3rd.
I find when I am focused solely on driving, I never swerve or hit the "rumble pack" on the edge of the lane that is meant to wake up sleepers. But, as soon as I start to focus on something else, even if it is just mentally, my driving suffers and I am buzZzZzed by the rumbler.
I need single minded focus.
Even good things are distractions if they cause us to start drifting away from Jesus, our relationship with Him, or His purpose for us.
I have always considered myself a "visionary" (whatever that means).
And I know that visions are pretty pointless if they remain unfulfilled. This has always been my challenge- taking my ideas, dreams, and visions, and doing something with them.
I think focus is one of the most important steps to fulfilling vision. This may seem obvious, but in the world we live, it is very easy to get distracted. So a sole focus on a vision, I believe, is the missing key for me to see completion in the things God has for me.
Focus results in the necessary ingrediants for vision:
1. zero toleration for distraction
2. an unshakeable conviction of purpose
3. an unwavering dedication to completion
There are very few things in each individuals life that should garner true single-minded focus.
Right now my vision is to be the best husband in the world and to grow in my relationship with Christ to an intimate Father/son mentorship with my ever-present Lord.
Single minded focus.
I'm excited about my #3 and I can't wait until I am there. I can see God shaping me for it every day and preparing me for the task. But right now, I am a runner on the starting block waiting for the gun to shoot. I need to keep my focus on my foundation, God, and poise myself for the race that is to begin very shortly. I can definitly feel the anticipation of the gunfire, but I know that if I don't focus on my current posture I'll just fall on my face.
I must have single minded focus.